--- A.C.E ---

Arcana Credentialling Engine

TLDR: A.C.E. is a Linkedin-like platform for gamers & Web3 natives with advanced platform integrations and virtual avatar customizations that unlock metaphysical benefits across gaming.

The Arcana Credentialling Engine (A.C.E.) is a keystone build with many objectives, including:

  1. A proof of concept to show off-crypto individuals that there is practical value in blockchain applications to gaming.

  2. Bridging of gamers and NFT communities by pulling Web2 gaming data for storage on Web3 technologies and allowing augmentation of NFTs.

  3. Tech and community pillar which will tie a blockchain gaming ecosystem together (more details on further growth plans to be released as the project grows).

In practical use, A.C.E. will be the ultimate gamer's passport. The system will pull and record precious gaming memories and proud achievements. Such records can be stored on the platform and as verifiable and immutable Soul-Bound-Tokens (SBTs) - more on these in the next section.

Achievements & badges will unlock customization for Arcana NFTs, where new traits / assets can be equipped to augment and enhance your virtual avatars. Going beyond the current landscape of randomized customization, A.C.E. will allow you to select the exact traits you wish to equip.

Our goal is to create a virtual identity that can adapt to your accomplishments and tastes over time, defining who you are as a gaming and digital native. This journey will start with integrations with games on Steam before we expand to more games, game platforms, and even social media platforms like Twitter.

Going beyond, your virtual identity will be an access pass to various opportunities. Potential partners involved in said benefits include game creators, new game launches, tournaments and live events.

Your Arcana is your virtual self. Your Arcana celebrates you. Your Arcana opens doors.

Last updated